When Depression Is More Than Sadness! – 7 Other Tell-Tale Signs

We don’t always have the full range of words to explain what we are going through.

For example, we might say that we feel sad. Yet, in fact, we might have clinical depression and not even realize it. Alternatively, we might recognize depression in someone else who insists that they are “just sad.”

Honestly, it can be hard sometimes to tell the difference.

Sadness is a regular, temporary, human emotion. Depression, in contrast, is a mental health condition. Usually, it requires some kind of dedicated treatment before the condition will improve.

Here are seven key differences between sadness and depression.

1. The Cause for Sadness or Low Mood

One key difference between sadness and depression is whether or not something provokes the emotion. We feel sadness in response to something. For example, a breakup causes people to feel sad.

In contrast, depression doesn’t have a specific cause. We can sometimes point to reasons, finding a cause. However, when the mood doesn’t lift, we see that’s not the real reason. Something underlying it all is at the root. If we can’t find a concrete cause for feeling blue, then we need to consider that it might be depression.

When She’s Smarter Than Him: How Intellectual Incompatibility Affects Relationships


When you think about compatibility, what comes to mind?

Obviously having similar interests is important, such as what you like to do for fun. Another aspect often is having similar life goals and whether or not you are both on the same journey together.

However, did you ever consider how intellectual incompatibility could affect your relationship?

It’s not simply a stand-alone issue. In fact, intellectual incompatibility can influence other areas of relationship compatibility.

If you are finding yourself struggling with your relationship, it may be that you need to consider whether you and your partner are intellectually compatible.

7 Tips for Ending a Love Relationship with Grace, Dignity and Compassion

It’s not uncommon to fall out of love with someone.

Even though you have been close for a long time, you may feel that now is the time to end the relationship.

The question then becomes, what’s the best way to go about it?

Even if you feel that you’re no longer in love, you probably still care for your partner to a degree, and you want to break up on as best of terms as possible.

Here are some tips on how you can end your love relationship with grace, dignity, and compassion.

When Your Mother-in-Law moves In: Tips for a Peaceful Coexistence


Ready or not—your mother-in-law has moved in.

Of course, you already had a busy household with kids, activities, and work. Now a whole new dynamic is being added to the mix as you take on the role of caregiver for your relative.

This can either be a time of joy or dread, depending on your outlook.

However, it doesn’t have to be a negative experience. You can make this an opportunity to not only aid an aging parent, but also strengthen your family as well.

Consider some ideas for maintaining a peaceful coexistence when your mother-in-law moves in.

How to Talk to Your Child about School Violence

School violence has become a central concern for both students and parents.

In this day and age, parents find it necessary to have painful but important conversations with their children about this topic. For instance, talking about what to do if a violent incident occurs in their school and asking what their feelings and concerns are. Some parents wonder if they should buy their child a bullet-proof backpack.

As a parent, of course, you want to protect your child from even worrying about these things. But you also know that you need to talk to them about the issues, no matter how hard that may be for you.

So, what to do? How can you approach the subject? Consider some of these helpful tips for talking to your child about school violence.

When Your Teen Tells You They’re Gay: Tips on Responding

For many LGBTQ youths, the act of “coming out” to their parents that they are gay is nerve-racking.

They may have already told some friends, but coming out to you, their parents, is a whole other matter. Worries about being accepted or loved by you afterwards will probably be on their minds.

They may be nervous, anxious, even scared to tell you something that they have kept hidden—perhaps for years.

You may very well have a wide range of emotions during these discussions.

For obvious reasons, this won’t be an easy conversation for either of you. How you respond to your teen’s revelation is critical.

Here are several tips to help you respond sensibly.

(6) Ways to Increase Intimacy and Escape the ‘Roommate’ Syndrome

Have you felt like you and your partner are more like roommates than intimate companions? Watching Netflix in your sweatpants while your partner plays a game on their cell phone sounds like a hot date, right?

Not exactly.

There is not a lot about that scenario radiating romance. What it does portray is a mutual level of extreme comfort you and your partner have embraced.

Of course, nothing is wrong with feeling comfortable around your partner. Actually, you want to be comfortable with each other. But you also want to nurture the intimate connection you have and acting like roommates simply doesn’t do that.

If you feel stuck in the ‘roommate rut’, try these suggestions:

When You Cheated on Your Partner, Is Disclosure the Best Option?

So, you’ve cheated on your partner and are now struggling with the aftermath.

You have guilt and lots of other emotions swirling around inside you. In fact, there are two different parts of you telling you to do vastly different things.

On the one hand, you feel that you should tell your partner what happened and be honest. The other half says that you shouldn’t tell at all. In fact, you may have already convinced yourself that you will keep this hidden from your partner at all costs.

What you decide to do now will have great ramifications for your relationship in the future.

What should you do?

Yes, Sexual Betrayal Can Lead to These PTSD Symptoms!


Love is war. So the saying goes goes .

That comparison may actually be fitting in connection with something you perhaps haven’t thought of—trauma.

It’s no secret that sexual infidelity can be physically harmful and emotionally crushing. A betrayed partner may feel a whole range of devastating emotions and experiences a bewildering variety of bodily symptoms.

One moment they feel angry and irritated, the next as if living in a daze where nothing matters. They can’t sleep, they can’t eat. It’s as if they’ve gone crazy.

It’s a reaction to the trauma of betrayal.

Devastated by Divorce? How Self-Care Can Help You Heal


After a divorce, you are faced with an unknown frontier. A shared future, once planned and full of possibilities for discovery and passion, is forever changed.

Perhaps your journey now feels scary and uncertain. You’re standing at the starting line again. Alone.

Do you feel as though you’ve lost a big piece of yourself or who you thought you were?

It is that feeling that makes self-care after a divorce so crucial for your mental and emotional healing.