
Worry, Worry

The Serenity Prayer: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

It’s a good thing that almost all of us worry. Think of worry as a built-in alarm device. When it is used wisely, it alerts us to danger and prompts us to navigate our way through a maze of solutions to life’s various problems. We need to think through our options when we are faced with problems, weighing the benefits and pitfalls of each alternative, and then come up with the best solution. From there we take action which, we hope, solves the problem. Worry is helpful when it is used at the right time and at the right level for resolving our difficulties. Like many things in life, however, too little worry, or too much of it, can be harmful.

Staying Healthy at Work

Are You Working Hard or Hardly Working? (Or Both?)

The atmosphere of the workplace has changed dramatically in recent times. Ever since the exploitative practices of the industrial revolution were removed through legislation, work has been defined as a place where a person could find fulfillment through a job which was rewarding and paid a fair wage. But this definition has reverted in recent years to one in which the needs of the employee have become less important. Finding personal fulfillment through our work has become more of a challenge.

Being Assertive

Have you ever heard yourself say, “I’m a nice person. I’m a polite person. I’d never intentionally do anything to hurt anybody. So why don’t other people give me the respect I deserve?” The problem could well be due to a difficulty with assertion. Maybe you aren’t showing your nice, polite, and respectful qualities to other people. Unless they can see who you truly are, underneath it all, other people might not know how you expect to be treated. And this can lead to some unhappy experiences.

Healthy Pleasure


Engaging in Simple, Healthy Pleasures Can Restore Balance to our Hectic Lives

The brain has several pleasure centers which are activated by chemicals which speed satisfying sensations from one nerve to the next. Children the world over, when they are left alone to do what they choose, engage in endless hours of play. They pursue fun. Childhood may be the time in life when our brains are trained to experience pleasure. If we accomplish this task well as children, we may have healthier lives as adults — as long as we don’t lose the ability to play that we acquired in childhood.

How Looking At Your Past Can Create Business Success Today


Everyone has a past. Our histories inform who we are, often impacting the decisions we make in the present.

However, what happens when your past becomes a barrier to creating today’s business success?

This is an important question to consider as you build your business. Believe it or not, the obstacles that you face in reaching your goals are not always the ones in front of you. Instead, the choices you make today can be also be influenced by the long shadow that you carry behind you.

And these choices can make or break your business.

That’s why it’s important to look at your past when trying to create business success today.

When She’s Smarter Than Him: How Intellectual Incompatibility Affects Relationships


When you think about compatibility, what comes to mind?

Obviously having similar interests is important, such as what you like to do for fun. Another aspect often is having similar life goals and whether or not you are both on the same journey together.

However, did you ever consider how intellectual incompatibility could affect your relationship?

It’s not simply a stand-alone issue. In fact, intellectual incompatibility can influence other areas of relationship compatibility.

If you are finding yourself struggling with your relationship, it may be that you need to consider whether you and your partner are intellectually compatible.

Financial Disagreements: 3 Keys to Avoid Them Destroying Your Relationship

There’s an old saying that goes, “Money is the root of all evil.” While money may not be responsible for all the problems a couple may have, it’s definitely a double-edged sword. Although money can empower couples to make their own decisions, it also can cause financial disagreements and drive couples apart.

Every couple has disagreements. They go hand-in-hand with any relationship.

However, financial disagreements can be a particularly difficult problem. In fact, money matters and differing viewpoints regarding finances are at the top of the list of reason why couples separate or divorce.

To avoid letting this issue destroy your relationship, consider these three important key points.

When She Earns More Money Than Him – How Will The Relationship Be Affected?

When it comes to who the breadwinner is in the family, times are changing.

According to the Pew Research Center, in 1960, 11% of American families had a woman as the primary wage earner. Today, that number has climbed to 40%.

This change in gender roles can have an impact on relationships. How so?

Extreme Grief After a Job Loss Is Real – Look for These Symptoms

Losing your job hurts—plain and simple. For some, it’s devastating.

Not only can it hurt your financial welfare, it can cause emotional pain and suffering. Depending on your reactions to this crisis, it can severely impact your relationships with family and friends. In fact, for some people a job loss is similar to hearing about the death of a loved one. And there are reasons why you may feel this loss so deeply.

It’s a common practice in much of today’s society to place our identity in our job and in our career. For example, you may have based your self-worth and self-esteem on your job responsibilities, or on your coworkers’ respect for you, or on your job title, or your workplace relationships, and losing any of these can mean losing part or all of your personal identity.

The grief that follows a job loss is a natural and very real. Like most significant losses, the side effects can be painful and often happen unexpectedly. But there is a way through this loss that can create growth and healthy changes.

Let’s look at how this might happen and what steps to take going forward.

Can Money Buy Happiness?

The simple answer to this question is ‘No’. In most cases money can’t buy true happiness. It seldom if ever makes a bad relationship good, nor can it improve intimacy in a relationship. People with the highest incomes often have to work long hours, and many of them quit these jobs and find work that brings them greater life satisfaction.

Once we adapt to higher incomes, it can soon lose its appeal. After a promotion  and higher salary, a person often feels greater life satisfaction and happiness but in less than about three months, the higher salary can lose its impact on happiness levels.