From Single Life to Stepparent: 5 Tips to Help You Adjust

Marrying the love of your life is always exciting. And while it’s very possible to achieve happiness, giving up your single life is a huge adjustment. Becoming a stepparent at the same time can make the challenges even greater.

Consider these 5 tips to help you adjust.

When She Earns More Money Than Him – How Will The Relationship Be Affected?

When it comes to who the breadwinner is in the family, times are changing.

According to the Pew Research Center, in 1960, 11% of American families had a woman as the primary wage earner. Today, that number has climbed to 40%.

This change in gender roles can have an impact on relationships. How so?

Extreme Grief After a Job Loss Is Real – Look for These Symptoms

Losing your job hurts—plain and simple. For some, it’s devastating.

Not only can it hurt your financial welfare, it can cause emotional pain and suffering. Depending on your reactions to this crisis, it can severely impact your relationships with family and friends. In fact, for some people a job loss is similar to hearing about the death of a loved one. And there are reasons why you may feel this loss so deeply.

It’s a common practice in much of today’s society to place our identity in our job and in our career. For example, you may have based your self-worth and self-esteem on your job responsibilities, or on your coworkers’ respect for you, or on your job title, or your workplace relationships, and losing any of these can mean losing part or all of your personal identity.

The grief that follows a job loss is a natural and very real. Like most significant losses, the side effects can be painful and often happen unexpectedly. But there is a way through this loss that can create growth and healthy changes.

Let’s look at how this might happen and what steps to take going forward.

Need Help Letting It Go? – 5 Ways You Can Forgive and Move On

Forgiveness is an idea that many of us struggle with—some forgive too quickly, while others maintain grudges that drag them down.

While everybody must choose to forgive on his or her own timeline, it’s crucial that we all establish a healthy relationship with the concept of forgiveness.

These 5 tips will allow you to feel more comfortable and confident about your ability to forgive.

Hooked on Porn? 3 Ways Porn Addiction Affects Your Relationship

Porn has become a household subject within the past few decades. While most people aren’t sitting around the dinner table discussing it in detail, we are more aware of its existence now than ever. In fact, many people have invited porn into their lives “just for fun.”

Maybe you thought viewing a little action to “spice” up your own libido wouldn’t hurt anything. Now, you’re hooked. You can’t get enough.

When you first started watching porn you may not have intended for this to happen. As life plays out, though, it’s easy to see that porn is anything but harmless to a romantic relationship.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

If you suffer from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), you’re not alone. Many of us usually don’t realize how many of the people around us suffer from the same condition and how it can affect a relationship, career, family and reputation. OCD was once thought to be a fairly rare but serious mental problem. Specialists saw it as serious mainly because the behavior of a person with this disorder appears quite abnormal to other people.

How Does It Feel To Fall In Love?

Numerous researchers have examined the phenomenon of being in love. This refers to the stage of feeling whole and complete once we have found someone who matches the image we carry around with us of the person we have been searching for – that is, someone who has the positive and negative qualities of an imperfect parent from our childhood.

Can Money Buy Happiness?

The simple answer to this question is ‘No’. In most cases money can’t buy true happiness. It seldom if ever makes a bad relationship good, nor can it improve intimacy in a relationship. People with the highest incomes often have to work long hours, and many of them quit these jobs and find work that brings them greater life satisfaction.

Once we adapt to higher incomes, it can soon lose its appeal. After a promotion  and higher salary, a person often feels greater life satisfaction and happiness but in less than about three months, the higher salary can lose its impact on happiness levels.

How to Talk to Children About Divorce

Children are deeply affected by their parents’ divorce. They tend to handle the divorce better, however, when both parents cooperate and act in their children’s best interest. Together, parents should develop a plan beforehand about how they will talk to the children, be prepared to patiently answer all of the children’s questions and the likelihood of intense emotions.

How to Find the Right Partner

Although some people prefer to remain single throughout their lives, most people strive to connect with and live in partnership with one special person. There are many obvious advantages to finding a relationship partner – physical, economic, social – but there is another significant advantage in that working through the ups and downs of a relationship allows us to come to terms with many of our own personal issues.