Porn has become a household subject within the past few decades. While most people aren’t sitting around the dinner table discussing it in detail, we are more aware of its existence now than ever. In fact, many people have invited porn into their lives “just for fun.”
Maybe you thought viewing a little action to “spice” up your own libido wouldn’t hurt anything. Now, you’re hooked. You can’t get enough.
When you first started watching porn you may not have intended for this to happen. As life plays out, though, it’s easy to see that porn is anything but harmless to a romantic relationship.
Ways Porn Addiction Affects Your Relationship
1. Decreases Sexual Satisfaction
It may seem like an oxymoron to say that porn decreases sexual satisfaction. This is a reality for porn viewers, though. It may even be a reality for you.
For example, watching porn can quickly alter your expectation of sex. Meaning, you don’t think or feel about sex the way that you once did. Your partner used to turn you on, but now arousal is difficult for you.
Furthermore, porn viewers learn to expect something new each time. It could be a new scenario, new characters, or new angle. Your partner can start to seem boring to you because he or she isn’t anything “new.”
Sadly, your partner may feel cheated by the fact that you choose to view porn over making love to him or her. This feeling of betrayal can quickly pull the two of you apart. If you don’t address the issue, then the gaping distance in your relationship will progressively grow larger and larger.
This leads us to the next problem.
2. Decreases Intimacy
Many people use intimacy and sex interchangeably. They aren’t the same, though. While intimacy can be sex and sex can be intimacy, it’s not automatic.
Sex is, however, one of the deepest forms of intimacy. This notion is what porn twists. In short, when you make love you make love to a person. When you watch porn you watch sex organs. Porn has diminished both men and women to mostly genitalia.
Over time, and not much of it, your mind will start to think of your partner as a body rather than a person. It’s not uncommon for a porn viewer to have difficulty reaching orgasm because of this. In fact, some can only climax when thinking of pornographic images.
3. Diminishes Relationship Commitment
Like mentioned before, many people think that porn is harmless. On the other hand, maybe you’re one who can admit that it has caused sexual problems in your relationship. This isn’t where the damage ends, though.
Porn is a constant reminder of the potential partners you could have. It creates mental fantasies that become addicting. This in itself lowers your dedication level to your partner.
Porn viewers are more likely to engage in flirtatious behavior. Often, these flirty interactions turn into cheating.
Tracing infidelity back to porn is not as far-fetched an idea if you approach it in terms of the “seed” concept. In short, a seed is planted in your mind. When watered, it soon grows into a full-blown tree.
Porn Addiction – Predictor of Infidelity?
Although porn viewing isn’t the only indicator of future infidelity, it’s a strong scientific one.
Of course, not every man and woman viewing porn is going to transform into a cheater. Exposure to porn has proven to be a foreshadowing to stepping out, though.
The idea of another sexual partner is enough to send men and women roaming. Even more than relationship dissatisfaction, the concept of “greener pastures” is motivating in the worst way.
Reclaiming Your Relationship
Porn addiction could have been enough to motivate you to be unfaithful to your partner. In time, everything came crashing down on your. Now, you may be wondering how you ever ended up here.
Can you ever repair what you did?
Granted, rebuilding a wrecked relationship because of a porn addiction is challenging. But the good news is that it’s not impossible.
If looking for support and guidance through this rebuilding process, there is help. You can begin your path to healing in a caring and compassionate environment surrounded by the support and understanding of a good therapist. You and your partner deserve a better relationship. Start now. Contact me today at the numbers or email below:
Voicemail: 949-760-7171
Text: 949-244-8572