Breaking Free of Loneliness


Only the lonely
Know the way I feel tonight
Only the lonely
Know this feeling ain’t right
Roy Orbison

If you feel lonely, you’re not alone.

Loneliness is a subjective sense of isolation – a feeling of not being able to connect with other people, a sense of being apart. As humans, we feel the need to be with other people. We need to relate to others, to get involved in their lives, to work with them, and to express our emotions around other people. Our social needs are nearly as powerful as our other basic needs, like our needs for food, water, and shelter.

How Birth Order Affects Our Behavior and Relationships

Researchers have studied the effects of birth order for nearly a century now, but learned only within the past few decades about the influence of birth order on our behavior and the nature of relationships with our partners. We now know that the strategies we learn in childhood for dealing with our parents and siblings has a lasting influence on our behavior, often in ways we barely recognize.

Self-Compassion: Why it’s Much Harder Than Compassion for Others


Do you find it easier to forgive others than yourself?

Are you able to accept others’ mistakes but not your own?

Practicing self-compassion can actually be very difficult. This is especially true if you learned as a child to care more about others, or if you have a hard time forgiving yourself.

Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater? Myths and Facts

Clearly, whenever you’ve been cheated on, there are many feelings that arise.

However, some of these emotions could be based on myths about those who cheat. And that can cause you to make decisions based on faulty information.

If you are trying to cope with a partner’s infidelity, get the facts and reject the myths.

From Single Life to Stepparent: 5 Tips to Help You Adjust

Marrying the love of your life is always exciting. And while it’s very possible to achieve happiness, giving up your single life is a huge adjustment. Becoming a stepparent at the same time can make the challenges even greater.

Consider these 5 tips to help you adjust.

Financial Disagreements: 3 Keys to Avoid Them Destroying Your Relationship

There’s an old saying that goes, “Money is the root of all evil.” While money may not be responsible for all the problems a couple may have, it’s definitely a double-edged sword. Although money can empower couples to make their own decisions, it also can cause financial disagreements and drive couples apart.

Every couple has disagreements. They go hand-in-hand with any relationship.

However, financial disagreements can be a particularly difficult problem. In fact, money matters and differing viewpoints regarding finances are at the top of the list of reason why couples separate or divorce.

To avoid letting this issue destroy your relationship, consider these three important key points.

The Positive Impact of Premarital Counseling – 7 Ways Your Relationship Can Benefit

Many couples consider premarital counseling as something for those who really don’t know what they want out of a marriage.

Yet, that is far from the truth. In reality, premarital counseling should be a prerequisite for any couple looking to get married.

How can it benefit and strengthen your relationship?

When She Earns More Money Than Him – How Will The Relationship Be Affected?

When it comes to who the breadwinner is in the family, times are changing.

According to the Pew Research Center, in 1960, 11% of American families had a woman as the primary wage earner. Today, that number has climbed to 40%.

This change in gender roles can have an impact on relationships. How so?

Need Help Letting It Go? – 5 Ways You Can Forgive and Move On

Forgiveness is an idea that many of us struggle with—some forgive too quickly, while others maintain grudges that drag them down.

While everybody must choose to forgive on his or her own timeline, it’s crucial that we all establish a healthy relationship with the concept of forgiveness.

These 5 tips will allow you to feel more comfortable and confident about your ability to forgive.